In my previous post, I explained How to create a Linux development environment on Windows 10.

The shell prompt (or command line) is where one types commands in. When accessing the system through a text-based terminal, the shell is the main way of accessing programs and doing work on the system. In effect, it is a shell surrounding all other programs being run.

Getting Started

  1. apropos – used to find availble commands: $ apropos "list dir"
  2. man – read command manuals: $ man apropos
  3. -h – command parameter giveing help: : $ man -h
  4. history – command line history: $ history

File System

  1. l – list information about files: $ l
  2. mkdir– makes a directory: $mkdir code
  3. cd – changes a directory: $cd code
  4. touch – makes empty a file: $ touch file1.txt
  5. echo – puts text in a file: $ echo 'Steven Fowler' > file2.txt
  6. cat – concatenates files: $ cat file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt
  7. cp – copy files: $ cp -f *.txt backup/
  8. rm – remove file or directory: $ rm -f *.txt
  9. mv – move files: $ mv backup/* .
  10. more – reads a file: $ more file1.txt
  11. find – find files: $ find . -name file1.txt
  12. grep – find text in file(s): $ grep 'Steve' *.txt

Linux GREP

Where to go from here

Essential Linux Command Line Tools
Why Python is the best development language

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